Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Commercials, Cats and... Emo?

As anyone who knows me knows, I am not a morning person. Or an early afternoon person, let's be honest and I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around me between the hours of 5am and noon. Anticipating a new job starting soon (DEARGODPLEASE!) I've started to get up early in an effort to ween myself off of the vampire hours I usually keep. When I'm getting ready in the morning, I watch "NBC News" and then "The Today Show." I hate both equally, but I need some sort of background noise or else I'll fall back asleep mid-eye-lining thereby jabbing my eye with eyeliner and then tragically see only "very black" for the rest of my life. I believe, however, that the companies who advertise their products in the ungodly early working-gal/guy hours know that the demographic of people watching are half-asleep and cracked out. I tried to find some of these commercials to share but failed. Actually, I got kind of annoyed and bored looking for them so you’ll just have to take my word for it and/or tune in to any morning TV show and observe for yourself....

ANYWAY, it was especially rainy and dreary this morning and in a effort to avoid crawling back into bed I was roaming the internet and I stumbled upon this terrifying picture. Can I just say this cat (is it a cat? what is this? is it photo shopped? I'm so confused..)is straight up frightening . As in I could possibly have nightmares about this creature tonight. Everytime I look at it I kind of cringe.. uggh sick.

One of my sorority sisters sent a mass email titled "OMG TOO CUTE" with a video about a dog and a monkey from India. And while it is cute, I have some problems with it. The first issue is they portray this monkey as actually being friendly but to that I say LIAR. My friend has a monkey and it is the meanest little creature in the world. Second of all, you have to wear huge gloves to even handle the thing (which sucks because I couldn't even tell you if the monkey is soft? I've never actually "touched it"). Next, it certainly doesn’t like dogs/cats/humans/anything.. it growls/screams! ALL OF THE TIME. The only time it's cute and bearable is when it sleeps, which is like 3 hours a day. My final thought about this video is, do you think the dog enjoys having a monkey hanging on it's underbelly like that? I mean is the monkey not kind of pulling the pup's fur out? I don't know.. I'd be pissed.

Finally someone I follow on Twitter tweeted a link to a "What Color is Your Psyche?" quiz. Being bored as fuck, I decided to take it. I was very displeased with my results:

Your Psyche is Violet

You are spiritual, intuitive, and serene.

People trust you to rescue them from bad situations, and you usually come through.

While you are quite enlightened, you find that your path is very lonely.

When you are too violet: you can't connect to ordinary life or ordinary people

When you don't have enough violet: you lack wisdom and can't learn from the past

What?! First of all, I am the least spiritual, intuitive and serene person you will ever meet. "Anxious," "stressed out" and "frenzied" are three better terms to describe myself. And my path in life is destined to be "very lonely"?! Not even just plain lonely, but very lonely? What the f is that?? I want off this path! I mean, being enlightened is great and all, but I don't want to be very lonely for the rest of my life! Look at that sad, emo avatar! I don't want to be the girl who picks flowers and cries!



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